Mission 🚀

Our Mission at Treasure Tree: Harness AI and Crypto to Empower Humanity

In a world rapidly transformed by technology, Treasure Tree stands at the forefront of harnessing the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and cryptocurrency for the betterment of humanity. Our mission is rooted in the reality of technological advancements and their profound impact on society.

Embracing the AI Revolution

By 2025, AI and robotics are predicted to integrate into nearly every aspect of our daily lives, from household activities to business functions​. While AI's potential to increase efficiency and productivity is undeniable​, it also brings challenges, notably the significant job displacement. A staggering 800 million jobs, or 30% of the global workforce, could be displaced by 2030 due to AI-driven automation​. At Treasure Tree, we recognize these challenges and are dedicated to finding solutions that not only embrace AI's capabilities but also safeguard humanity's interests.

Crypto and Gaming

The cryptocurrency market is anticipated to grow to more than $25 Trillion by 2030​. This exponential growth symbolizes a shift in financial paradigms, offering unprecedented opportunities for economic empowerment. Treasure Tree is poised to be a leader in this evolving landscape, leveraging blockchain technology to create secure, transparent, and efficient financial solutions that will benefit web3 users.

Our Vision: Universal Basic Income through DeFi and Gaming

The convergence of AI, Crypto, and Gaming opens pathways to innovative solutions for systemic issues such as unemployment caused by automation. Our vision is to implement Universal Basic Income (UBI) through Decentralized Finance (DeFi) applications. Basically, a GameFi UBI hybrid which we are calling PIP for short, and Perpetual Income Protocol for the long version. This approach aims to provide a sustainable and equitable income source for those affected by job losses from the advancement of AI, bridging the gap between technological advancement, social welfare, and creating a system where people earn an income from their leisure. 

We fundamentally believe that each action taken on the internet by a user should be compensated and web3, AI, and crypto can ensure that each internet user earns income from their online activity.

Commitment to Inclusive Growth

We are committed to ensuring that the benefits of AI and cryptocurrency are accessible to all, not just a privileged few. By focusing on inclusive growth through strategic airdrops, we aim to prevent the widening of economic inequalities and foster a community where technology serves as a tool for empowerment and progress.

Join Us in Shaping a Better Future

At Treasure Tree, we're not just building an NFT Gaming Wallet; we're cultivating a movement towards a more equitable and technologically harmonious future. Join us as we embark on this journey, leveraging the power of crypto and AI for the greater good of humanity.